The name m-tec is synonymous with flexible solutions developed with the customer’s needs in mind and tailor made. Thus, as well as complete systems, m-tec also provides individual components for bulk material solutions.
- Conveying screws for dosing and conveying
- Scales for additives, large components and lightweight aggregates
- Fiberdosing units
- Small additive or pigment dosing stations
- Mixers for batch and continuous operation (batch mixers are available with 3 different discharge systems – full open charger with residue-free discharge, the single dump door and nozzle discharge)
- Cellular wheel sluice for transforming a continuous discharge flow of the mixed material from the mixer underhopper or any other hopper
- Air belt conveyors to transport gentle and without segregation the mixed product
- All m-tec components are developed and continuously optimized in very close cooperation with our customers
Would you like to know more?
The Plant Engineering sales team will be glad to help:
We will be pleased to help: +49 7631 709 104