The following machines support you in this:

All-round mixer with a 2.2 kW drive for all common dry mortar products. Perfectly suited for use with the P20 pump.

All-round mixer for filling with bagged material. Ideal for self-leveling screeds thanks to its 4.0 kW drive. Optionally available with polyurethane components for easy cleaning. Perfectly suited for use with the P50 pump.

Our robust pump with a 4.0 kW drive and an output capacity of 22 l/min.

Powerful pump with drives ranging from 5.5 to 9.2 kW, enabling flow rates of up to 140 l/min. A second mixer is available for self-leveling products, making it the ideal pump for use with mixers D30, D40, D50, D100, D150, or GIGA-mix.

The compact mixing pump with powerful performance – the perfect solution for construction sites with 230V 1-phase power. Output capacity up to 25 l/min.

Revolutionary mixing pump with perfect mixing quality. Combined with extremely easy cleaning, it is the ideal machine for efficient operation.
The dual mixing principle enables the processing of even specialized products and ensures very large delivery distances.

The m6 is a versatile mixing pump suitable not only for all machine-applicable interior and exterior plasters but also for applying self-leveling screeds.

Dust-free and ergonomic conveying of dry mortars from gravity silos or for filling with bagged material.

Dust-free and ergonomic conveying from pressure silos for maximum delivery distance.
Do you have any questions or need further information?
We look forward to your call: +49 7631 709 122